Environmental protection
Patalpinta: 2015-03-09 09:27:34
Carried out functions in the company by the employer responsible for the environmental protection.
- preparation of necessary annual environmental protection reports;
- counting of necessary taxes for the environmental pollution and completion of declarations;
- following the environmental protection legal acts and their application for the currently undergoing company activity, preparation of required documentation that complies with the environmental protection legal acts, consulting of responsible employees that have been designated by the head of company in the area of corresponding documentation completion.
Environmental protection audit, consultations. After analyzing current state of environmental protection, the existing inadequacies in the uncomplying to the Legislation Acts of the Republic of Lithuania.
Completing the documents of The Impact On The Environment Evaluation Selection. The aim of selection – to find out if it is necessary to perform an evaluation of the impact on the environment of a certain planned economic activity.
Completion of applications for the TIPK and Pollution permits.
The activities and equipment that require a TIPK permit were defined in the Ordinance No. D1-528 of 15th July in 2013 by the Minister of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania, which stated the ‘confirmation of regulations regarding the issuing of integrated Pollution prevention and control permits, changing and suspending the permits’. .
The Pollution permits are necessary due to the criteria met by equipment used for exploitation, as this criteria was defined in the Ordinance No. D1-259 of 6th March in 2014 released by the Minister of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania, which stated the ‘confirmation of regulations regarding the issuing of integrated Pollution prevention and control permits, changing and suspending the permits’.
Completion of other environmental documents.
- Waste generation and waste management accounting and preparation of annual accounting reports;
- Wastewater management accounting", "Ambient air protection", "Water usage accounting", "Submission to state authorities of provision, collection, gathering and future distribution of data and information on chemicals which are produced, imported, distributed, exported and professionally used in the Republic of Lithuania, their specifications, possible effect on human health and environment", "Accounting of equipment using solvents" and completion of other documents;
- Filling summary accounting of chemical material and substances data and information;
- Organizing seminars on environmental protection.