Patalpinta: 2016-06-07 08:46:44
The purpose of the training program for logging supervisor – is to prepare a supervisor for dangerous works, who would be able to correctly and safely organize logging works and manage such works.
The training program for logging supervisor is available to those persons, who have gained higher technical education.
The training duration – 1 week (34 hours). The theoretical training gets 30 hours, the practical training part is given 4 hours. The practical training takes place in a birch.
A supervisor who successfully completes this training program will be able to correctly and safely manage forest logging works. The certificate of the program completion (code 3106) is issued to the logging works supervisor.
Logging supervisors will be able to work in companies where based in their job profile wood harvesting takes place.
After completing this training program the trainees will have knowledge about:
- Regulatory acts, stating safe logging works.
- Organization of logging works.
- Organizing the services and safe exploitation of motor saws.
- Tree propagation, bush cutting and branch pruning technology, safe opening of the tree roots, preparation of timber for transportation
- Safe technology of bush cutting.
- General and individual safety measures.
- Requirements of fire safety rules.
After completing this training program the trainees will be able to:
- Organize safe work when carrying out log handling, bush cutting, branch pruning, timber transportation.
- Establish the places of rest houses and warehouses.
- Set the limits, build warning signs and the signs informing about prohibited actions
- Set the main tree handling direction.
- Introduce the workers to organization of works and risks in a particular birch.
- Instruct the workers about occupational safety.